Supporting Historic High Streets Part 2
Making places for people, rather than traffic, and ensuring that all town centre visitors have good experiences are the key to longevity, and aspects of that need to be better understood.
- Promoting mixed modes of travel/ Oxford City Centre Study – Phil Jones, Phil Jones Associates
- Who’s driving? Town centres in the age of the driverless car – Richard Crappsley, Steer Davies Gleave
- The overwhelming benefits of mature trees in town centres – Howard Gray, GreenBlue Urban
- Why better design matters – Vanessa Gregory, Look! St Albans
- Making Places Work – Paul Clement, Central Management Solutions
- British BIDS
- Making the High Street legible – Sue Manley, Placemarque
- Supporting local heritage – Oluwaseun Soyemi, Heritage Lottery Fund
- Leadership, governance and the role of civic societies – Ian Green, Oxford Civic Society