Heritage and Wellbeing: Understanding, Valuing and Capturing the Benefits 2

The significance of wellbeing has never been more widely discussed and these two webinars will explore the relationship between heritage and wellbeing. For professionals and communities alike, this is an important factor in how we draw up policy, consider investment, and connect people and places.
The second of two webinars looking at:
- The demonstrable links between wellbeing and heritage
- Heritage and wellbeing research into experiences during the pandemic
- How to value wellbeing in line with the Treasury’s Green Book Appraisals
- Assessing increases in wellbeing for Heritage Action Zones (HAZ) and other types of regeneration projects
- What Heritage Open Days mean for wellbeing
- Policy-making with wellbeing centre-stage
- The innovative Thriving Cities Index and what other places can learn from it, and
- The evidence available to underpin the wellbeing-heritage relationship.
Speakers on 9th December 2021:
- Welcome, Louise Thomas, HTVF Director
- Introduction, Louise Dandy, HTVF Chair and Head of Heritage and Placemaking, Winchester City Council
- If Wellbeing mattered in Policy-Making… Christian Krekel, Assistant Professor of Behavioural Science, LSE & Research Associate, Wellbeing Research Centre, University of Oxford
- The Thriving Places Index, Liz Zeidler, Chief Executive, Centre for Thriving Places
- 5 Ways to Wellbeing though Heritage Open Days, Sarah Holloway, Heritage Open Days Programme Manager, National Trust
A recording of this webinar is available to rent.
Please contact us for more information.
Please contact us for more information.