The Future for Historic Towns and Villages in the Planning White Paper?

A series of quick-fire presentations and panel discussion on the implications of changes proposed in the Planning White Paper (2020) by:

  • Welcome, Louise Thomas, Director, HTVF
  • Introduction, Timothy Crawshaw, HTVF Chair and International Planning and Development Consultant
  • Planning, Penelope Tollitt, Director of Making Places Together, formerly Head of Planning and Sustainability, Wycombe District Council
  • Neighbourhood Planning, Dave Chetwyn, Managing Director of Urban Vision Community Enterprise CIC and advisor to Locality on neighbourhood planning
  • Civic Societies, Ian Green, Chair of Oxford Civic Society
  • Development Planning, Tim Spencer, Associate Director, Nexus Planning
  • Heritage Development, Timur Tatlioglu, Partner – Heritage & Townscape, Montagu Evans.
A recording of this webinar is available to rent.
Please contact us for more information.
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