Using Heritage Impact Assessments Successfully 1

Looking at how Heritage Impact Assessments can be used to examine and mitigate change in historic environments.
Heritage Impact Assessments are an essential and valuable process for the heritage and development sectors to seek a balance between sometimes conflicting objectives.
As a core part of many heritage consultants’ work, the resulting statements are read by a range of audiences – professional and public – to understand ‘significance’ and ‘harm’ and how to interpret these ideas in different contexts. In this two-part webinar series, we will look at how to do effective assessments, as well as unusual case studies, and forthcoming best practice guidance.
This is an important part of the planning process and raises many issues for debate about assessing and managing change successfully.
Speakers on 6 June 2022:
- Welcome & Introduction, Louise Thomas, HTVF Director
- Heritage Impact Assessment: A ‘How to’ Guide, Helen Ensor, Practice Director, Donald Insall Associates
- Gauging Significance – Sunderland Civic Centre, Nick Bridgland, Heritage Director, Lichfields
- Heritage Impact Assessments: why they matter, Lorraine King, Heritage Planning Director, Barton Willmore, now Stantec.
Please contact us for more information.