New Town Heritage Explorers: Capturing a Place’s Character

Our interactive community-led project, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, is available online! We are encouraging everyone – whether you live in a New Town or not – to get involved in this project and use the New Town* Heritage Character Assessment Toolkit on your local area.

How do I get involved?

1. Watch our three short introductory films (5 mins each):

2. Get ready

The full New Town Heritage Explorers Toolkit report with an introduction and questions to answer is available to download as a Word template. A shorter version of the New Town Toolkit (just the questions) is available to download as a Word doc here. * If you are not a resident of one of Britain’s New Towns, the My Town Heritage Explorers Toolkit is for you My Town Toolkit or just the questions.

3. Go…

  • Download the Toolkit
  • Print off the questions and grab a pen and clipboard, OR
  • Save the questions on a mobile phone using GoogleDocs or Word, and type or dictate your comments into it
  • Then go for a walk!

4. Tell us how you got on

We have a survey to gather your detailed feedback on the Toolkit itself, but we are also very interested in what you noticed about your area, and what you are thinking of doing next.Need advice? Drop us a line to talk about the next steps to take.





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