Westminster Launch of new Historic England funded report

Update: We were delighted to speak to more MPs this week about the recommendations in our research Towards a Better Balance between Heritage and Growth (see Recent Publications). It was a great opportunity for Peterborough MP Paul Bristow (left) and Chair of the Civic Society David Turnock (right) to discuss Peterborough’s Cathedral Square fountains, which was featured in the report as an important place in the city.

Thanks to Oxford West and Abingdon MP Layla Moran for hosting us. Let us know if you think your MP would be interested in hearing more…

News from December 2022: The Historic Towns and Villages Forum was delighted to launch its new research at Portcullis House Westminster, inviting MPs to hear more about the study and its findings and recommendations.

Following a presentation by Jane Manning, Director of Allies and Morrison Urban Practitioners (AMUP), the team from the HTVF, AMUP and Oxford Civic Society were pleased to hear that our assessment of the challenges facing the case study places were reflected in MPs’ own observations. Helping local councils to make best use of their resources – whether built heritage, landscape setting or staffing levels – and enabling the public to better understand the planning system are fundamental to improving places.

We are looking forward to presenting the research in more of the case study places during 2023, such as Wells, Winchester, Wakefield, Peterborough, Lancaster, Lichfield, Malvern, Worcester and Chichester, as well as through our webinar programme on Tuesdays 17th January and 25th April 2023.

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